I exchanged sounds with Luna to make this video. When I first heard the sound of the gentle polyphonic bell sound with its subtle crescendo it put me in mind of cliché suggestions of magic in children's media. A glittery texture. Then I found out the sound was pregnancy bells used to indicate the mother's presence to a baby in utero.
I found a connection between my initial reflex image and the reality of the object that makes the sound. It indicates a world beyond or outside of the baby's reality, much like magic!
This also put me in mind of the basic spatial awareness that babies lack and drew parallels to Plato's cave. Magic in the world of 'logic' instability in 'logic' and its fluidity which I call 'il/logic'.
My grandpa was an engineer and a physics fanatic and I had been thinking of this 'trick' my grandpa did for me as a child that broke logic but was real.
He would make a möbius loop out of paper but with two loops in it and then he would cut it in half and it would create a chain of two möbius loops. I replicated this with one loop and filmed it with my flat mate on the balcony and I could keep cutting this one möbius loop with out it separating! A real magic trick!

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I chose Mats' life event 'got sick' from the time lines we were given.
I thought it would be a phrase to play with and create symbols for since I think a lot about crip theory and how capitalist systems of compulsory able bodiedness produce disability (to para-phrase Robert McRuer.)

Some of the biggest societal fears that become abject symbols come into being through these compulsory systems, yet most of those fears are actually easily attainable and inevitable like becoming ill and dying. Many disabilities are seen as sicknesses through the fear they produce in a compulsory able bodied society.
But the ultimate 'sickness' under capitalism is to not be productive, thus not generating wealth.

The finite energy that comes with disability is described by 'spoon theory' coined by Christine Miserandino in 2003 in her essay "The Spoon Theory".

While out to eat with a friend, Miserandino’s friend began watching her as she took her medication and suddenly asked what it was like to have Lupus. Miserandino grabbed spoons from around the diner where they sat and gave her friend the handful of spoons she had gathered. The spoons helped Miserandino to show the way that people with chronic illness often start their days off with limited degrees of energy. The number of spoons her friend had was how much energy she had to spend throughout the day.

Spoons are also a hugely flexible symbol, like the infantilising term 'spoon feeding,' spoons also suggests medicine or nourishment.

The face, made of nylon and wire is partially transparent and could suggest hyper bodily awareness or fragility and the glittery hot glue vomit looks ectoplasmic.
The tin foil checkered background was intuitive and automatic but I always see checker board as a landscape version of a portal which is usually an object in a landscape; weaving dimensions or just a good way to draw attention to space.

I realise that I like many other people misinterpreted the assignment and weren't figurative enough, but I really enjoyed making it.

The poem I wrote as the script which I acknowledge wasn't the correct interpretation of a 'script' and some automatic drawing interpretations for sculpture idea farming.
A draped bust made of fabric, wood glue, water, black ink and clumps of black acrylic to suggest an ominous onlooker in the rain.
A clay vessel with spiral vortexes surrounding it holding two flowers, the object of the onlookers' gaze.
A video of 'eye pops' from cartoons, adorable male gazeTM.
At this point I'm just going back to ancient feminist discourse and it is a little cringey perhaps but hey, it's part of my script... oh and the non verbal script assignment. Ba-boom.
The sound of me singing in overtone. For more of this vortex idea like the vessel with flowers. (click this sentence to go to the soundcloud link)